Game Designer / Programmer

Playable Games

Playable Games

…directly from your web browser

Fuel Your Hamster

Inspired by Paper Mario, me and my team are making a game where a hamster is asking for coffee instead of ration

Trials of Acute Triangle

Unexpected Journey

game #2 banner.jpg
A bullet hell shooter game

A short adventure game made in Unity


Classic Snake

Donut Snake by Arielle Peacock. Used with permission.

Donut Snake by Arielle Peacock. Used with permission.

A classic snake game I made from scratch using TypeScript.
GitHub source code is available here.

Dazzle’s Adventure

Artwork by Mortimer Raven

Artwork by Mortimer Raven

An endless jumper made with TypeScript undercollarboration with
an amazing artist, Raven Mortimer.
A classic snake game I made from scratch using TypeScript.
GitHub source code is available here.